Transform your eCommerce strategy with 3D & AR

3D modeling services are now available and affordable no matter the company's size.
Top brands like Nike, IKEA, Wayfair, and Rebecca Minkoff use 3D visualization to help customers make more informed and confident decisions about purchasing products online. Its increase in popularity has not only reduced return rates and associated costs but has become a preferred experience with 61% of shoppers who rather make purchases on sites that offer 3D technology. The most popular 3D applications among online retailers are 3D Viewer, HD 360⁰ Product Viewer, Augmented Reality, and QR codes.
Are you also considering applying 3D technology to your business?
Great, the next step is to determine the tactics. Are you going to build your own 3D team? Or work with freelancers? Both methods have advantages, but they are not the best choices when you are just starting. Building your own team is costly and time-consuming. At the same time, freelancers require a lot of micro-management and are limited in capacity. Hiring a 3D modeling company could be the easiest and fastest solution, but what should you pay attention to when choosing one?
When choosing a supplier for your 3D modeling projects, you need to consider multiple factors, such as cost-efficiency, quality, and agility. You will most likely clarify each of these subjects with the supplier before starting the order. But, what else is important to consider? After years of expertise with 3D projects, we have identified the 3 key things to look for in a 3D modeling company:
Companies can have different 3D modeling needs with thousands of SKU's to convert up-front with future goals towards Augmented Reality and beyond. Thus it is important to choose a supplier who can adapt. Some agencies may have a small in-house 3D designers team, limiting the capacity to produce a larger volume of 3D models at once. This can push out your launch, compromising timely eCommerce opportunities such as seasonal events and holiday sales.
Don't settle for a 3D modeling company that can't exceed your current inventory. While they may seem more affordable upfront, there are added costs and wasted time trying to transfer to another agency. Choosing a 3D modeling service that can grow with you will eventually save you a lot of time.
No creative work goes on without client involvement. After the 3D model is finished and delivered to the customer, additional fixes may be requested. Smaller 3D agencies don't always have an efficient way to receive and manage this feedback. Customers may need to deliver their comments by taking screenshots and explaining the issues over email. It may get too time-consuming, especially with the larger orders, and delay the process, adding complexity and frustration. Ensure the selected 3D modeling company has a well-defined quality assurance process.
With Modelry, automation and collaboration are optimized because of the advanced QA system. It allows clients to provide reference images and comments, give feedback, and approve a 3D model in real-time. The QA team is immediately notified of feedback and able to respond. Most important, the QA system alleviates the confusion of back-and-forth emails and undocumented phone calls.
The Ford Motor Company founder, Henry Ford, once famously said: "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." With the market full of choices, it's even more important for the suppliers to be one step ahead of their customers and know what their customers' needs will be tomorrow or one year from now. Typically, the more experienced 3D modeling companies are, the better they adapt to their customers' needs and develop their processes.
Before starting the collaboration with a 3D modeling company, identify how well established their processes are. Do they offer all 3D services? Do they offer a Digital Asset Management System (DAM) to store and manage your 3D assets? It will be crucial once your 3D modeling needs grow, and having to look for a different platform to host your 3D assets will make you waste time and cost extra.
With over 15 years of experience in 3D, CGTrader can offer all 3D services for eCommerce, including 3D modeling, 3D and Augmented Reality solutions, QR codes, free digital asset hosting and management services and a web-based quality assurance system.
With the right 3D modeling company, you can uplevel your eCommerce from end to end with one service provider. It's essential to take the time to consider long term growth and the scalability of your business. By choosing an experienced, multi-faceted provider, you'll launch ahead of the competition, skyrocketing to success.
We are ready to hear more about your 3D modeling needs. Click here to schedule your consultation.